GOODWILLINGNESS is a compilation of Costa Rica’s top initiatives, projects, and programs that aim to make our world a better place.
GOODWILLINGNESS can help you quickly and easily identify the tour operators, attractions, accommodations, transportation service providers, and restaurants in Costa Rica that share your values and interests, so you know who to connect with to support the causes you believe in, and how to use your Costa Rica vacation to create tangible change.
Responsibility today.
Possibility tomorrow.
Friendly, helpful, or cooperative feelings or attitude.
Learn how individuals, groups, and businesses in Costa Rica are working to make travel experiences–and our world–better.
The quality or state of being prepared to do something; readiness.
Discover easy (and affordable!) ways that you can use your Costa Rica vacation for good
What’s worth saving
There’s a lot to love about Costa Rica, and a lot that stands to benefit from our care and conservation.
Costa Rican residents
Species of plants and animals
Protected land and marine areas
Unique lifezones (ecosystems)










…and so much more
Putting theory into practice
How individuals, groups, and businesses in Costa Rica are making a difference
GOODWILLINGNESS considers the following 17 factors in its evaluation of change:

Environmental Sustainability Practices
Recycling/reusing items, the use of renewable energy, the development of wastewater management systems, the practice of permaculture, etc.

Land Conservation & Reforestation
Planting trees, growing seedlings, purchasing land to prevent deforestation, land conservation, etc.

Support for Avifauna
A short explanation about the service.

Support for Wildlife
A short explanation about the service.

Support for Marine Life
A short explanation about the service.

Monetary Donations
A short explanation about the service.

Time Donations
A short explanation about the service.

Resource Donations
A short explanation about the service.

Inclusivity Practice
A short explanation about the service.

Diversity Promotion
A short explanation about the service.

Anti-Hate Activism
A short explanation about the service.

National & International Collaboration
A short explanation about the service.

Education, Awareness, & Training
A short explanation about the service.

Government Certification (CST)
A short explanation about the service.

Employment Opportunities & Economic Growth
A short explanation about the service.

Community Outreach & Support
A short explanation about the service.

Acts of Kindness & Other Demonstrations of Goodwill
A short explanation about the service.